Promoting Our Hobby & Serving Our Community!

Welcome! Thank you for stopping by to check out our page. Meigs County is a beautiful rural county located in Southeast Tennessee. We have the Tennessee & Hiwassee Rivers, and Watts Bar Lake in our county, along with a lot of attractable recreation. Our club enjoys aall aspects of the ham radio hobby, as well as serving our community in times of need for emergency communications.  Please see our other pages for further information, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!

Meigs ARC Orange
General Club Information
Monthly Meeting

Odd Months- We meet on the 1st Tuesday at 6:30pm EST via Zoom, with a presentation following.

Even Months- We meet on the 1st Saturday at 8:00am EST at the Decatur Family Diner, with a training or group activity following. 

For Zoom link for meetings, please send us your email. 

Weekly Net

Our net is held on Mondays on the K4DPD 147.390 Repeater, 100.0 Hz PL Tone, (+) Offset. It is also on Echolink at K4DPD-R.

In the event of repeater failure, we will utilize the W4OAR 442.925 Repeater, 100.0 Hz PL Tone, (+) Offset.

If both repeaters have failed, we will utilize a simplex frequency of 146.400.

Club Officers

President- Will Crowden, W4ETA

Vice President- Jodie Brantley, N4JLB

Secretary- Sarah Cumbie, KQ4GVT

Treasurer- Kary Hooper, KO4RXB

Board Member- Chris Hinson, K4OSK

Board Member- Mike Cumbie, KQ4GVS

Supporters Of Our Club

Tennessee's Only Amateur Radio Dealer!

Authorized Kenwood Sales, Service, & Installation. Fusion Emergency Equipment.